Saturday, January 2, 2010


like i mentioned in the last post i'm trying my hand at stippling....
well....let me just say this as to how it's going...
if you happen to be in or around lewisville and see a sewing machine in the street...
do this girl a favor and run over it....speed up....give it a good smash....
and if you could then throw the car in reverse and run over it again??
why must this little sweet looking machine give me such problems?!?!?!
really i don't think when my dad purchased her he could have envisioned all the torture she has put me through...
ask me how many needles she has snapped in half many times i've had to many times i've had to adjust the tension....
at first i was nice...i spoke sweetly even a little bit of baby talk...then i spoke calmly and pleaded with her...then i'll admit there was a little bit of frustration in my voice...then maybe a little bit of name calling...
and hell with her....i may have hit her...i seriously can't remember...she simply pushed me too far...i snapped when she broke the third needle...i saw red...there was a lot of profanity flying in her direction....and i am seriously considering throwing her in the street...

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